power of Green

CRank: 6Score: 155755

What's #5.3's point, GT5 will be a great game what's that have to do with the greatness of Foza 1-2 & 3?. Whoops!. I did the same thing.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well done for only being 60% complete.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop with the fanboy jibberish. No one wants to hear you hope that Gow's lame.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cliffy said no lasers ect, he wanted to keep the weapons down to earth and believable (except the HAMMER OF DAWN). SAINTS ROW did a good job on the pipe bombs and gernades also in that game the explosions don't look like much but i dare you stand next to it when it goes off. As for Gow Gameplay there will be a mix of stuff Cliffy won't talk about plus the Vehicels and the some sort of action scene's gameplay in the mix. And he said the bad guys will flank you and are capable of doing what you...

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're good enough you can give the 360 an workout remember you're fighting the 360's cpu and the AI in the game can be chalanged enough to give it an work-out. I swear the thing can get angry.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never had an heat issue. Take care of you're console or stop playing it for 26 hours at a time with the vents covered and keep you're house cool. My 360 got warm at first for the first month or so now it doesn't get warm but i still keep a small tower fan to cool all my electronics. These fans add-ons are a joke.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game has depth and much more gameplay elements to it. I'v read some exciting things. Cliffy B. is keeping it on the down-low. Fanboy's of all sorts are getting ancy because they want to see more now. Trust me fellas you're going to have one badass game in a couple of months. Sad Sad attempt to make the game look bad from some ranting from inpatient fans.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DJ DJ this is lame. No super duper explosions in Gow. We'll live, pocket Nukes or not.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's image is very important right now. Their Shet breaks (Sony’s main focus at this point is on its own in-house issues)ect.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's shame that dev's/ either didn't know the 360's hardware or made hold'em over to the graphicaly pretty games come filler. It's both in my opinion. What ever, it worked for MS to establish an fanbase before the other arrive. This is what's confusing Sony fans on the first wave, second wave BS & even with the capabilities on PS3 and the 360. It's the risk MS took and it worked.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the end only the company that offers next-gen games in abundance and gets the price down to an affordable price first; will win no matter what. The bulk of the gamer fanbase is won over by cool games and price. Period!. The 360 has some brand recognition as of late.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ofcourse he doesn't but somebody does judging by all the changes the PS3 has gone though. Come on Kenny who are you kidding. Funny little man Sony needs to find a new guy if this guy does not care about (N) and (MS).

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm going enjoy pimping whores in Fable 2. Cool sh*t!

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes the 360 version has it's own next-gen build and the PS2 version has different back story missions.

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HA ha ha. You know MS will give people the choice to buy the disc or stop in a game shop and download games on some new portable HDD divice. PC is doing fine in that respect.

6456d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's saying Sony's following in MS's foot-steps when it comes to Digital Distribution wich is what MS is slowly doing and has been doing for some time to see if the public likes it or to slowly wing them of the discs, I like the idea arcade was good testing ground. Understand?. (Digital Distribution starting with the PS4 right?.)

6456d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is wrong!, PS3 has limited memory for color ect. look it up and you will learn from tech spec's and the games themselfs. The other console has games with "filterd colours" but as you can see, games like Alan Wake, Lost Odyessey, Halo's, Mass Effect and more Let the color show when it calls for it, and give's the games an ultra realism to them.#2.5 is right for the "most" part. It's too bad only nerds and geeks care for such nonsense. This is a good RPG game if you can get ...

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6456d ago

Gameplay is #1 with Xbox games. We know cgi isn't the selling point of Xbox games. Is that simple enough for you. When i see an cut scene on a Xbox game i know the games not half movie and half game. For the most part MS is trying to keep the story telling-cgi as close to the real gameplay as possible and often the cut-scenes and cgi are matched if not dam close to the real deal. 2.1 i agree the other team uses cgi as an tactic and doubles as story telling it's just the way the Japanese like ...

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is wrong!, PS3 has limited memory for color ect. look it up and you will learn from tech spec's and the games themselfs. The other console has games with saturation of colours but as you can see, games like Alan Wake, Lost Odyessey, Halo's, Mass Effect and more Let the color show when it calls for it, and give's the games an ultra realism to them.#2.5 is right for the "most" part. It's too bad only nerds and geeks care for such nonsense. This is a good RPG game if you can get pass t...

6456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment